Thursday, November 18, 2010

Hypochondria setting in...

I talked with the clinic twice already today and seriously considered a third time. First, I wasn't sure of the dosage on my estrogen shot. It was not written down anywhere since it was added later. Quick call told me I already knew the answer. (BTW, shot in butt was NOT nice this morning. Super sting and soreness. Oh well.) Second call was to discuss preponderance of vaginal mucous (TMI anyone?) Isn't that supposed to happen when I ovulate? Is something throwing my body into a crazy state and I am not going to make it to transfer on Wednesday?!? Quick call told me it is perfectly normal due to extra estrogen. As long as I am on Lupron, nothing is going to happen down there before they want it to. And third call? Well, it hasn't happened, and it is not going to happen, but part of me is petrified I have a blood clot. My left calf is so achy and sore - and it kinda came out of nowhere. It feels numb and my foot is freezing cold. Of course I immediately jumped to blood clot, and was dismayed to learn that estrogen therapy can be a cause of clots, but I only have one "symptom" so I am letting it ride. I am sure it is just bad circulation. It could even be a pinched nerve. But I doubt it is anything that will lead to a fatal pulmonary embolism. Right?

I know I am going to be a crazy hypochondriac when I am pregnant. Kicks will make me feel like I have a broken rib. No kicks will make me worry about the pregnancy's viability. Heartburn leading to an asthma attack leading to an ER visit in the middle of Nowhere, Michigan was just the tip of the iceberg. Hope Wife is sympathetic.

Meanwhile I continue to wake up from the hormone-induced depression. I am taking care of all the personal and work responsibilities I have been barely managing. And all of a sudden I am quite overwhelmed by how much is on my to-do list. Note to self: when taking a break from life, please try to check in  more often. Going 4 weeks (or more) without more than baseline attention really leaves you in a pile at the end.

Finally, I want to mention that I am visualizing this FET working. I was at my desk today thinking about how I am going to tell people. That's a good sign, right?

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