Tuesday, November 23, 2010

24 hours and counting

I am actually a little giddy with anticipation. I am so excited for tomorrow's FET - and I am feeling so warm about the prospects. I keep repeating "It might work. It might happen. I could be pregnant at this time tomorrow." How cool is that?

I have noticed a few blogs refer to the Magic 8 Ball, and surprisingly it seems accurate quite often. So despite my ideas of not predicting the future and just letting things happen, I had to go check it out. Will I get pregnant tomorrow? Definitely. (Cue applause and jumping butterflies in stomach.)

Meanwhile, I am just waiting for the thaw report from the clinic. Yes, there are hints of negativity seeping in. It is almost noon and they usually call in the morning. Is this a sign? But I will not go there. I will get whatever news they have for me when they call, and there is no need for me to worry beforehand.

Likewise, our plan for taking care of Kids during tomorrow's procedure is derailed due to fevers and coughs. Our sitter is in the middle of finals, so who knows what we are going to do. But Wife says she is on it, and my attempts to help have been shunned - so I am going to check it off my list and not worry about it. Instead I will worry about whether I want to brave the rain for a yummy acai smoothie or whether I should eat in the cafeteria. (Oh the dilemmas!)


Later in the day: Clinic called at 12:19 with good news. All 4 embryos survived the thaw. We will learn more tomorrow of course, but the plan is to transfer 3 and let the 4th grow, hopefully to blast and then refreeze. Although a tiny little part of me wonders why - This time is going to work so I won't need to others on ice. Right? Right!


Still later in the day: I am dying here. I can't keep my mind on anything other than thinking about tomorrow. I am so excited! I am so ready! I really need to chill. How am I going to get through the TTW with this attitude. But I feel like it is the day before Christmas. I can't wait to wake up tomorrow and open up my presents. OK - concentrate. Focus. Think about the gnarly PIO shot you get tomorrow. Think about the speculum. Better. Steady now. Oh heck - it is no use. I am JAZZED!

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