Saturday, September 18, 2010

IVF Update: Egg Transfer

I am so proud of my little embryos! We went to the doctor this morning for Transfer and Dr. Personality actually turned into Dr. Niceguy. He was surprised but full of support and even cracking a few jokes. So he started off by saying that we overcame two major obstacles (little reaction to stimulation and poor sperm quality) but he is very impressed with the results. Of the 10 eggs that fertilized, all 10 are at 4 cells now. (It is normal to lose a few or have a few delayed.) Also, the embryologist rates each embryo on a scale of 1-4. A 4 never results in a pregnancy. A 1 rarely does, so a 2 or 3 is good, with a 2 being better than a 3. Of my 10, seven got a rating of 2 and three have a rating of 3. Woo hoo! And then there is another issue (I can't remember exactly what is is called but I think it might have been fracturing )- where little bits float off and kinda mill around. The goal is less than 10% floating, and all 10 of mine had 0% floating. Again, woo hoo! I am so proud of my little embryos!

So then Dr. Niceguy gave us the numbers. We easily took 1 and 4 embryos off the table. Too low and too high. If we transfer 2, we have a 38% chance of a pregnancy. Eeks - that doesn't seem too high. But we have less than 1% chance of triplets. If we transfer 3 embryos, we have a 60% chance of getting pregnant (better!) but a 35% chance of triplets. Yikes! It is weird how 38% chance of something you want seems low but 35% chance of something you don't want seems high. Math is so much more than simply numbers!

So we went with 2. 2 beautiful, wonderful embryos sitting in my cozy uterus, just embarking on implantation. Now we have to wait two weeks (two weeks!!!) for the blood work to see if I am pregnant or not. I am so not good with waiting.

On the homefront, Wife has been super easy to be around, and she has also been really nice to take over some of the things I usually do, such as put the kiddos to bed at night. Such a relief not to have to deal with that right now. I slept most of the afternoon and she was totally ok with that. Kids have been great at not jumping on my and taking it way around me too. I forgot to mention that we decorated my tummy this morning before going in for the transfer. Wife and Kids each put their hands on my stomach just over my uterus and Wife made outlines in Sharpee. Then they each colored them in. We told the kids about how we were going to the doctor to try to make a baby and that this way the baby will know that Big Brother and Bog Sister are excited to have a baby. Kids loved it. When I got home first thing The Boy asked was if I had a baby in my tummy. Man I hope so!

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