Friday, December 10, 2010

Oh No - back to Fear

Suddenly Fear has reared its ugly head. All of a sudden I formulated a grand explanation to support the idea that I am no longer pregnant. Irrational? Paranoid? Unfounded? Yes. Yes. Yes. But here it is anyway:

(1) Maybe the reason the clinic didn't want me to go in for additional betas was because the doctor knows the numbers won't be doubling. He is giving me 2 weeks to feel pregnant and I will find out there is nothing there at the ultrasound. Then he doesn't have to tell me the bad news on the phone.I know this is ridiculous - why would anyone want me to find out in person, at the ultrasound? But isn't it odd that I didn't go back for additional betas? I was so busy and thankful that I didn't have to drive the few hours to get additional testing that I didn't stop and think about how rare that is. In all the blogs that I have read (surely not all of them, but not a small number either), that has never been the case. Just weird.

(2) I am not as nauseated today as I used to be. I was actually fine not eating first thing in the morning, and a piece of toast an hour after waking kept me fine for hours. It used to be I had to eat almost constantly to keep from feeling queasy. The logical part of my brain reminds me that my nausea usually hits its stride around 2pm and parties through the evening. Not a morning-type nausea. But the irrational, worried part of me does not like feeling fine. (How twisted is that?)

(3) I just realized that I fell asleep last night without taking my prenatal. I don't know that this is a sign as much as a indicator that maybe my body knows taking the prenatal is not as important as I might otherwise think. Silly. I know.

(4) As soon as I admitted my fear, I started to get major cramping in my lower left abdominal area. What's up with that? (Prior cramping and pangs have almost always been on the right side, or sometimes both sides, but never just the left side.)

And this has gotten me seriously considering buying more HPTs. Will daily pee tests help me make it to ultrasound? I still have 2 weeks to wait - Please don't let me go crazy in the meantime!

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