Monday, December 6, 2010

August 14, 2011 May be a Good Day

Great news! Beta #1 (15 days post fertilization) is at 257. He hopes for above 150 at this point. Doctor is comfortable enough that I don't need additional betas. I am loving this since I wasn't sure how I was going to fit other trips to doctor in my schedule. Other stats: Estrogen at 586 (continue shots 2x per week) and progesterone at 19.7 (continue coochie pills).

I don't know why but I am still in a daze and really mellow about this. Is it too much reading other blogs? Am I scared to say I am so happy for fear that something will take it away? Am I not actually thrilled? Well, as my acupuncturists says, I will just "sit with this" and see where it leads me. So far I think I am in a pretty incredible spot. 4w1d


  1. Of course you are terrified. Dulls you into a stupor. You know too much.


    You are so pregnant.

  2. Congratulations!!!! This is great news!
