Friday, April 15, 2011

23 Weeks

Symptoms: Crazy leg cramps (about 3/night) that have left my calf sore throughout the day, constipation, heartburn

Maternity Clothes: Still loving the elastic waists - but very sensitive to tags and everything seems to make me itch. Preferring the under-belly pants because the over-belly band itches. But the under-belly is sometimes kinda tight, so it might be time to move up a size?
Sleep: Actually going pretty well, except for the leg cramps. 5 pillows in a circle around me.
Best Moment of the Week: Wife finally getting to feel Baby kick

Movement: Yup - lots. Especially when I lay down.
Cravings: French fries for lunch every day (I think it is the salt I really crave). Not really into eating for the most part. Bananas, which is weird because I do not normally "do" bananas. Ice cream.
Weight gain: 8 pounds (but should I also count the 10 pounds I put on during IVF?) - worried that perhaps I am not gaining enough

Belly Button: In, but getting shallower
What I miss: Orgasms. Every once in a while I think a margarita sounds yummy. Brie!
What I am looking forward to:When the Kids can feel kicks, getting a really nice round bump no matter what I am wearing (I am close!)

Thanks Mrs. Lemon for the idea on the format (altered slightly)


  1. No worries! I'm so glad you are doing well. An old wives tale for you... put a bar of ivory soap tucked into the corner of your fitted sheet. It will work, you won't have the leg cramps anymore!

  2. Thanks for the advice - sounds crazy but I am game to try it!
